The Heat are down 2-0 in their series, one more loss and they are eliminated. Baertschi could be available if he gets an invite.
No Blindenbacher, no Trachsler. Especially Blindenbacher is a huge blow.
Seger,i, Schäppi, Bodenmann, Blum and Stancescu will join from the finalists. No Geering?
I wonder who will play center now that Trachsler is out. I guess it's a big boost to Froidevaux's chances, or maybe Monnet but I don't see him on the 4th line. That's the kind of player that reminds me of the 2012 team.
The only things that keeps me optimistic is that the mood was pretty much the same one year ago.
Simek, Neuenschwander, Kparghai and Scherwey have been cut.
All teams are in the same troubles. That what keeps me optimistic too.
Every olympic year, it is the same story!
And Seger is just great, he's such a great guy. I mean he's 36, has won everything a Swiss hockey player can ever win, he has a family, I'm sure he is tired after this season in which he played the Olympics and the full playoffs but he's still there. We'll miss him very much when he retires.
Last time their were the olympic games, we could have been WC !!
Ending up first of the group ... beating Canada. All games won. and then ... :
loosing in QF vs Germany 0-1 ... with a differential of 20 shots on goal in our favour. (and Helbling fighting the German bench)
Germans lost to a weak Russian team in SF who lost in Final against a non convincing Czech republic.
That year could have been our year.
This year will be our year. !!
Assuming that this year's team will look like this:
Hollenstein - Romy - Brunner
? -i - ?
Suri - Ambühl - ?
? - ? - ?
Hollenstein - Romy - Brunner
Bärtschi -i - Niederreiter
Suri - Ambühl - Pestoni
Bodenmann - Froidveaux/Schäppi - Moser
If Bodenmann makes the team, you can bet he'll play withi, and Moser, despite having the skillset to play a fourth line role, is just too good to be put there. Both him and Niederreiter will be top 9 wingers if available. About Pestoni, last week I thought he would be kept with Ambühl and Suri, but as Simpson split then up during the last two games, I'm not so sure anymore. Maybe Moser will play on the third line and Niederreiter and Bodenmann will play with
i? Or the 2nd line could be Niederreiter-
i-Moser? I could also see Rüfenacht be used to bring physical play on an offensive line in case neither Niederreiter nor Moser make it. Then there's Bärtschi, who is tough to fit on the team. I guess he could play with Suri and Ambühl, but is he really an improvment over Pestoni? Fiala, I assume, won't make the team and is just here to get experience.
For the fourth line, with the player material available, I'd go with Rüfenacht-Schäppi-Stancescu. Not great, but it's the best we can get with the available players, and there's no known chemistry to be used.
Is it a wise decision to make a Berra who's sitting around the starter without discussion? I'd say let's play Genoni or Mayer until they screw up.
While all of this is based on asumptions, I think your arguments make lots of sense. My line-up was based on some thoughts about the roster. First of all, your right, Bärtschi is really hard to fit anywhere in this line-up because we don´t know with whom he might develop some chemistry.i might be the best fit for him because he might be the only center we have who has the hockey sense to play alongside Bärtschi. Niederreiter would complement this line perfectly as a guy who is strong in the corners and has the ability to finish.
One could also make an argument for a Bodenmann -i - Hollenstein line which has excelled at some times in the past. This would mean that either Niederreiter or Moser would be moved up to the first line with Romy and Brunner.
The reason I´ve put Pestoni on the third and Moser on the fourth is that Moser´s abilities to shut down the offensive lines of opponents is well known. With Bodenmann I don´t really know whether he can play RW. In this case he could also become a candidate for the RW spot on Ambühls line.
As it is now I expect Rüfenacht/Pestoni/Plüss/Fiala/Stancescu to fight for the third and fourth line RW job, assuming of course Bärtschi/Moser/Niederreiter can make it. Rüfenacht, Plüss and Stancescu add grid to the fourth line while Fiala, whome I truly expect on the roster, and Pestoni could add an creative element.
1. Berra is right now training with the Avalanche, him being scratched should not affect his play and just makes him more eager to prove himself
2. Berra played outstanding during the Olympics
3. Berra played outstanding during the last WC
4. Berra has NHL-caliber talent, Genoni does not and with Mayer it´s at least questionable
5. Genoni and Mayer would not even be in the discussion if it wasn´t for the absence of Gerber, Hiller, Flüeler, Stephan and of course Berra
Looking at these (in my opinion) facts, Berra is the starter, no question!