Frankie Spankie
Registered User
Severed Steel is amazing. For a game that you can finish the campaign in 2 hours, I still wound up with 20 hours in. They've been adding new content every couple months that keeps me coming back for more. The gameplay is just so tight and fun that I feel like I'll keep coming back to it.Severed Steel (great game)
Fallout: New Vegas (with JSawyer mod)
I did just play the demo to Treping2:
It feels kind of like a mix between F.E.A.R. and Severed Steel. There's still some issues in the demo I found. Primarily that sliding could use some adjusting, it doesn't feel right, and you can't pick up ammo if your gun is slightly different. For example, if your gun has a silencer, you can't pick up ammo if the gun on the ground doesn't have a silencer. I assume that will be fixed by release but who knows about the sliding. Also no wall running or diving but it certainly looks a lot nicer graphically.