what tankGibson singlehandedly saving our tank
I'm trying to forget dammitwhat tank
we're drafting 10th baby
that's why we didn't trade him baby!!Wow one of the games best scorers , Hoffman , missed the open net. Shocker
Was that Heavy MTL?I fell asleep at a Slayer concert once (in 2019 though not 1986)
I had a Slayer cassette back in the day, South of Heaven.I fell asleep at a Slayer concert once (in 2019 though not 1986)
Their farewell tour at Pacific Coliseum in Vancouver. Behemoth was by far the best band but Testament was great too. Lamb of God was overrated.Was that Heavy MTL?
Come on now some of these guys don't even know what cassettes areI had a Slayer cassette back in the day, South of Heaven.
My buddy gave me his dad's extra copies of South of Heaven and Divine Intervention in high school. Hell Awaits was always my favourite album from them though.I had a Slayer cassette back in the day, South of Heaven.