How is it “soft?” The vast majority selected still go, and even any who wouldn’t and factor that in have plenty of other reasons to not want to go
Idk why it’s “soft” to want to go somewhere that at least is that easier/more fun to take the family out, not to mention party
They didn’t speak out and force anything far as we know. The league sought to work with them to make it less shitty. Would he dumb of players to not exercise what influence they have.
Many of them would love to be on a real vacation mid season like most of the league. They want, if they can get it, the league to at least make it something of a vacation. Imagine you already have to travel for extra work, and you get snowed in or some shit, some extra bad winter weather lol. I wish I had a company that would even slightly consider asking us how to make things more palatable