Rick Nash was straight up dominating his first 10-15 games. . Truly, beast mode.... until the concussion... which then turned into concussions. He was never the same after that.
Karlsson had an 'off' year, coming off an injury, on a terrible team, in a bad situation while losing his child. I'd give him the benefit of the doubt.
Interesting that they are all different prior to acquisition but the end result is the same.
Go after star player because they are different, then watch as that star player disappoints and becomes a burden to the team on the ice and on the Cap.
Happened with Redden, Drury, Gomez, Kaspar, Holik, Nash.
There were justifications for each, and the end result was the same.
Failure and disappointment.
I'm tired of that approach. It hasn't worked when were decent (came close, but no cup).
I have no doubt, much like Nash, EK65 would be a beast in years 1-3, but beyond that I fully expect extreme regression and continued medical issues with his leg(s).
Same old song and dance. Different names, different justifications, but I have my doubts of a different result when the numerous past attempts resulted in failure.