NHL GMs are such a joke. Iiiiiiii oooooohhhhh we can’t make trades, it’s so hard with the cap. Then let them loose in front of a worthless UFA class and they throw money after worthless contracts left and right.
If a team had Komarov or Roussel or Beagle and the likes and was dangling them, say they had just slightly better deals than they got today, my bet is that nothing would happen.
Gorton must build a better relationship with a group of none scared sheitless GMs and start to create some movement. If you got a small PMD and want someone with more size that can clear the crease — in a 31 team league there will be someone out there who would benefit from doing the opposite. Three way trades are possible which grants you even more possibilities. But nothing gets done. And while I don’t hesitate to call out Gorton when I feel it’s warranted — I am still very I convinced that the Tampa trade wasn’t a huge miss for example — I don’t think the lack of movement is on him.
BTW, I am not quite sure I get the need for forward depth talk: Kreider, Ziba, Fast, Lias, Chytil, Zucc, Vesey, Hayes, Names, Spooner, Lettieri, Boo and Howden totals 13 forwards. Then we will of course sign a couple of left overs with NHL experience.
I agree for sure with the talk that we need more grit, but seriously, is that coming from a vet 4th Linder on the ice 8-o shifts per game? Never happening. If we want to become more gritty we must get that from players in bigger roles.