I don't know who he is but he is verified.
Come on with this BS.
You wanna embed my latest tweet for me buddy? LMAO. Forgot how to. Give me one more lesson AK.
Other Jokinen. Olli is long gone
Matt Traynor is the drummer of blessthefall lol
Only the Tweet ID (The digits at the end of the URL, 881203691067502594) between the Tweet tags
that was just kinda gross. Why did they let him say that on TV
I trust Matt Traynor with my life
Hartnell to NSH 1 year.
I always thought he would end up there once he was bought out.
How do you "let" someone say something????
So the producers prior to a LIVE, breaking news, multi hour show, go over every word, with every one of the talent, prior to the start of the show and say "Hey... no talking about a player's penis size ok?"