GDT: Free Agency Frenzy July 1st @ 12pm ET (Apparently it's not 12pm)

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Registered User
Apr 11, 2011
The rangers are worse today and with less assets while other teams like the canes, devils, caps, and so on have all gotten better. We’ll make the playoffs but we are done in the first round easily. Can’t roll out the same team and yet, that’s what we are doing.
agreed on washington and nj, but i dont know about carolina. i like the deals they made today, but still lost a lot.
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Registered User
Oct 15, 2007
Long Island, NY
You know what. Hopefully we do keep this core intact, and we end up bowing out in first round.

Maybe then Drury will be fired and let someone else have the monumentally important task of dismantling Trouba, Kreider, Panarin core and building around Laffy and Fox.

Because I for sure as shit, do not want Drury anywhere near the inevitable retool that will happen after this season.

Bomb the f*** away this year if it it means this spineless weasel gets canned at the end.


Very Stable Genius
Jan 29, 2009
They bombed out. Up 2 0 on a series they were being outplayed in and then they were dominated for 4 straight losses that they had no business even sniffing wins in except their goalie went into God mode...
And very nearly did against the Hurricanes.

All im saying is that we are doing a lot of damage to our pipeline for half measures. There have been no Yandle, Nash, MSL acquisitions with term and yet we’ve lost a 1st to Copp and about a half dozen second round picks squandered


Registered User
Jun 8, 2004
I watch every regular season game. That’s 6 months of entertainment. I like being entertained by wins. And getting to the ECF s fun too. Then what the hell if you’re there you have a better chance than 28 teams
There are teams that got knocked out earlier that had a better chance to win the cup then nyr did in the ecf.

As for the reg season, is 4-6 less wins a season going to ruin your 6 months? You can't handle one less loss a month for the sake of your "entertainment" if it means having a team that is better built for the grind of the playoffs? Really?

And very nearly did against the Hurricanes.

All im saying is that we are doing a lot of damage to our pipeline for half measures. There have been no Yandle, Nash, MSL acquisitions with term and yet we’ve lost a 1st to Copp and about a half dozen second round picks squandered
Completely agree!

People act like second round pics or nothing important, they're extremely valuable and a lot of good players get scooped up in the second round, at the very least the second and third round really helped to develop depth in an organization. We're lacking all of that now. I didn't even realize how many second rounders we've traded away with virtually nothing tangible left to show for it


HFBoards Sponsor
Jul 16, 2005
The rangers are worse today and with less assets while other teams like the canes, devils, caps, and so on have all gotten better. We’ll make the playoffs but we are done in the first round easily. Can’t roll out the same team and yet, that’s what we are doing.

Now we see the downside of cutting off a rebuild too early. Not enough assets, not enough cheap contracts, not enough high end players.


Registered User
Jun 8, 2004
Nashville just gave Brady Skjei 7x7. In this market, Trouba at 2x8 is stealing and he will 100% get claimed.
They're not even comparable, Brady is so much better it's not even funny. The biggest reason, he can actually still skate!

You can afford to give him that contract simply based on his skating ability in longevity that those kind of players usually have .

I also think it's hilarious that if you go back to the roster building thread there were people in there advocating for bringing Brady back in here to be Fox's partner and thought that they were going to get them for five times five or something else that was absurd. Kid got absolutely paid in that contract in a tax state would be more like 55 million over 7 years.


Registered User
May 9, 2007
Astoria, NY
Chris Drury on Jacob Trouba: "I'm going to keep any private conversation I have with him and his agent private." He said Trouba knows what he thinks of him as a player.


Registered User
Oct 12, 2008
They're not even comparable, Brady is so much better it's not even funny. The biggest reason, he can actually still skate!

You can afford to give him that contract simply based on his skating ability in longevity that those kind of players usually have .

I also think it's hilarious that if you go back to the roster building thread there were people in there advocating for bringing Brady back in here to be Fox's partner and thought that they were going to get them for five times five or something else that was absurd. Kid got absolutely paid in that contract in a tax state would be more like 55 million over 7 years.

Skjei has awful puck decision-making. I'm not losing sleep over that contract in Nashville. Comparing anyone to the current Trouba and that guy comes out smelling like roses, though.

Matt Rentfree

Registered User
Jan 13, 2012
Nashville, TN.
These are all minor things that you're bringing up, they're nothing too significantly improve a team. Aside from getting a gift at this point I don't think this team's going to look much better than it does today because the organization really just does not have very many assets left to trade unless you're going to dip into otter, Gabe, or first round pics which will just decimate the depth chart
People get a lot of shit on these boards for 'obsessing' over the Buch trade, but one bad move can seriously hurt your team. How many assets have we wasted trying to fix this mistake?

Similar situation when we let Stralman walk. How many assets did we waste trying to find someone else to carry the corpse of Marc Staal? How many assets did we waste getting Detroit to take Staal off of our hands?

I get that listening to someone beating a dead horse is irritating, but they DO have a point.


Registered User
Jul 2, 2003
Port Jefferson, NY
But you can go 10% over the cap this summer is what I meant, they could have signed someone if they wanted, as well as just not signing Lindgren and Schneider officially until after the Trouba second buyout window.
You can and then you lose any/all leverage in a Trouba trade because you must unload him.

Remember the Leafs sending Marleau to the Canes? … and that was a 1 year deal for 6 million. We’d get held over a barrel and everyone would be saying how dumb Drury is.
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