Minnie is at 102% capacity and has been for years. Brady is not the difference between selling out or not in STL, winning is.
Also, Brock Boeser is about as marketable as new wall paper in the GM's office. Nice player and all, but has never been marketing darling.
In Canada, where he is lost among hockey purists and in Vancouver, where we see him at 10 pm to 1 am.
In a US market, where he can get on talk radio and talk about his team and them wining the State championships in FOOTBALL. He will be a dream.
Montréal is hockey Blue Blood.. yet a French Canadian is seen as gold.
Don't kid yourself, hockey is not the NFL. Brock doing a hit on the Dan Patrick show, on Pat McAfee, on local/regional radio and TV is gold.
Look at Methot and Giroux here!!! In hockey Mecca. Yet we go nuts.
We love Karlsson because he married a local girl. Alfie because he relocated here and his brother is OPS.
Give us our own. Give us someone to relate too. And we go nuts.....
Had Gretzky had a brain in his head, he would have finished off his last 2-3 years in Toronto.. And signed for nothing more than rights to jersey sales. Imagine 10 million Leafs, 99/Gretzky, jerseys at $100 (1997 dollars). And he gets all $1 Billion.
Brock in the MID west is worth 8-10 to a team. In other USA markets 8-9.
I don’t think anyone would think Boeser can add 1-2k extra fans in the seats per game in the Central.
The USA is different. Hockey is curiosity.
they relate to stars.. It is derived form their Basketball culture.
And they relate to a phenomena that French Canadians call "petit gas de chez nous".. The "little guy from around here"...
I added greater explanation above.