Beef Invictus
Revolutionary Positivity
As a GM you have to understand that every move you make, mandated or not, will reflect on your competency, not the team or executives behind you. Dealing with micromanaging owners and quarterly statements that effect the on ice product is part of the job description. You need to find a work around to be successfulㅡmany GMs have. Chuck is barely treading water.
The problem is that you seem to think that Chuck is in the same situation and under the same kind of scrutiny that Hextall was, that he is unable to make the kind of moves that he desires and instead is toeing the company line. That's patently false. After firing Hextall they would never bring someone in who would have to be fought on every move, if that was the case they wouldn't have bothered to fire Hextall. They deliberately brought a guy in who already agreed with them, he didn't have to be convinced. It's not that Chuck is making moves mandated by Clarke and Co, it's that Chuck was only hired because he would choose on his own to make the kind of moves that Clarke and Co want. Chuck is not a victim of upper brass manipulation, he is complicit in it.
Further, Chuck IS upper brass management. Him and his peon Flardo are the entire power structure.