Lol.. did you think about your post before you made it? He’s 10x better than ZAR and NAK and tbh I think he’s a better hockey player than Bunting. Especially when it comes to goal scoring which is the most important thing in hockey.
Also Robertson consistently wins board battles for a guy his size, he’s pretty tenacious. Once guys hit the NHL they aren’t going to get faster, their speed is what it is. We don’t really need him to be fast, we need him to be in offensive positions. That overtime with Matthews was a perfect example of what having two elite level shooters coming down on a goaltender can do.
And you know what I wouldn’t mind Matthews being F1, maybe that’s the change he needs in order to become a playoff legend. Crosby is F1 on his line, so why can’t Matthews be F1? He’s 6’3 for Christ sake. If he can’t forecheck we are doomed