If someone grudgingly "consents" while under duress/ in a compromising situation, did they consent?
This seems to be the crux of the case, right? Whether or not she actually consented or was coerced.
Even then, seems like there may be
some grey area in there - by the little we do know, (I believe) the alleged victim never claimed (at least based on public reporting) to have strongly stated "No", "Stop" or anything along those lines, right?
Based on some of the text messages that were released, it seems she had regrets afterwards but it is unclear (and will be for a jury to figure out) just how (if?) this was expressed at the time of the events that took place that night.
Of course,
not saying any of those things (if that were the case) doesn't mean that she wasn't coerced or did consent to it.
The Athletic article mentions that she "acquiesced to the sexual acts" because the "sheer number of them and the presence of the clubs made here feel intimidated and threatened" - so, this would suggest that there may not have been any direct threats from the players or direct pleas from the alleged victim to stop.
The article does also state though that "at one point, she started crying and tried to leave the room" and that she was then "directed, manipulated and intimidated into remaining" - so maybe there
were direct threats from the players? It is unclear though if there was any further sexual activity after she allegedly was crying and tried to leave the room, which would be a surefire sign that she was not OK with what was happening.
The Athletic article mentions that these acts occurred "while she was incapable of consent", so there's also that angle - was she too drunk to consent and should the players have realized this? - which might make the rest of this all moot. I'm guessing the videos may shed some light on this.
The whole thing is a messed up situation and I still don't understand the allure or motivation of the original player inviting other players into the room, let alone what was going on even if the alleged victim did consent to it. Is it possible that she felt pressured to go further than she was comfortable with by a combination of alcohol clouding her judgement and intimidation (whether intended or not) by the players and some of them may not have realized she was uncomfortable with what was happening? I would like to believe that
maybe that was the case versus several players knowingly sexually assaulting someone as others also observed it, but who knows. Hopefully the court system in Canada can get to the bottom of it and justice is served.