OT: Fitness and Nutrition XII

Stronglifts is a good starter program. I did it way back with good results.

As the lifts get harder though, don’t be afraid of switching to 3x5. 5x5 at heavy weight is just too much. It’s more important (in my opinion) to keep progressing on the weight.

In my program (which incorporates the strong lift exercises) I do 3 x 5. Consider the inverted row as opposed to the barbell standing row. It’s safer and you’re using your body weight.

As you get older you really want to minimize injury. An injury will mess everything up. That’s why a hex bar is better for deadlifts in my opinion. It minimizes the risk to your back and you can use a neutral grip. You’ll be able to lift a little heavier too.
+1 to the hexbar. It’s a more practical exercise anyway and you’re way less likely to injure yourself.
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Got a newer version of my favourite long run shoe. New Balance 1080 v13. I started running with the v10’s and didn’t like the v11’s. V12’s were pretty good, these feel awesome. What a long running shoe is supposed to feel like imo. Soft, protective, but not too squishy. My favourite shoe to date.
Got a newer version of my favourite long run shoe. New Balance 1080 v13. I started running with the v10’s and didn’t like the v11’s. V12’s were pretty good, these feel awesome. What a long running shoe is supposed to feel like imo. Soft, protective, but not too squishy. My favourite shoe to date.
New Balance is the best shoe I’ve ever owned. Super comfortable. They are also invincible.
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below is chapter 9 from raw foodist norman walkers 'vegetarian diet and salad' book . thee most important veiwpoint on health ive seen over 30 years of self studying diet since getting plant based :
The fundamental purpose of eating is to replenish the chemical elements composing the cells and tissues in our body. Replenishment is one of the basic laws of Nature in regard to organic chemistry, and our physical body is a laboratory functioning under organic chemistry principles.
The food that we eat should nourish these cells and tissues. Unfortunately, because Nature gave to man a body so elastic, so far as taking punishment is concerned, that it can survive for years on food which is destructive to the body, but appealing to his appetite and palate, man has indulged these appetites until the race is perceptibly degenerating physically.
The body is the vehicle of the mind, and the mind is the vehicle of the intellect. The intellect is that part of the mind that we use in observing and reasoning.
If the body is permitted to degenerate, then the intellect cannot be expected to function or develop constructively, as the spiritual and mental faculties in man grow and expand in direct relation to the improvement, regeneration and purity of the physical body.
We look on sickness and disease as something mysterious and dreadful and we blame germs and bacteria.
As a matter of fact germs and bacteria are the scavengers of Nature and are everywhere. When we breathe, we inhale millions of these little natural scavengers and it is their function to keep the debris in our body neutralized and to stir it up so that it can be eliminated from the body. It is our job, however, to keep our body in such condition that this elimination can be completed to perfection.
Due to the excessive quantity of inorganic food that we eat, food in which the life principle has been destroyed by cooking, canning, and other processes, this debris, or end-product of the digestion of this food, in the body, accumulates faster than we and these natural scavengers can remove it. The result is that germs and bacteria find a feeding ground within us in which to propagate. In this process of their propagation the sewage of their colonies is added to the debris and the result s what we call sickness or disease.
Whenever germs and bacteria enter a body which is thoroughly clean and healthy, within and without, they find no feeding ground of waste or morbid matter therein on which to colonize and therefore pass out of the system in the natural course of events.
Likewise, when all debris and accumulated morbid matter is removed from a sick or diseased body, then only is the first step established toward a recovery to a normal chemical balance.
How does this debris and morbid matter get into the body? In two distinct ways.
First, through the food which is eaten to excess in inorganic form (cooked, etc.) which can neither be assimilated by the body for constructive purposes, nor be properly eliminated; and also by such unnatural elements as serums, vaccines, injections, etc. These cause deposits which the body is unable to throw off in the course of its normal functions, if the eliminative channels are in any way impaired.
Second, through the cells and tissues of the body which in the course of our activities are constantly used up and remain there as dead matter after furnishing physical and mental energy. These used-up cells should leave the body as soon as possible after they have served their function, but they remain in the system for unnecessarily long periods of time due to faulty eliminationWe can give here only briefly a few of the interesting reasons why nourishing the body properly is of such vital importance. A brief outline of the process that causes the greatest accumulation of debris in the body is necessary so that we may be guided intelligently in the selection and combination of our foods.
Let us take, for example, an individual, 40 years of age. Undoubtedly like the majority of his fellow men he has formed the habit of eating at least three meals a day. This will average more than 1,000 meals a year, or in excess of 40,000 meals during his lifetime of 40 years. It is very important that we bear this in mind.
We will also assume that, like most people, nearly all the food he has eaten has been cooked, canned or otherwise processed, and rarely, if ever, does he eat either a sufficient quantity of raw food, or a complete meal of nothing but raw vegetables and fruits. The result therefore is that more than 40,000 meals, composed mostly of dead food (or inorganic chemical elements) have passed through his system during that time.
It is impossible to regenerate organic cells in a human body with inorganic (or dead) matter. We find that while the 40,000 meals did serve the purpose of sustaining life, hardly any nourishment in organic form was eaten to regenerate the cells and tissues of his body or supply the chemical elements composing these.
As a matter of fact it is appalling to realize that the limit of tolerance of such a condition is usually reached by the time we are 40 or 50 years of age. The age at which mature judgment and experience have been gained, a period in life when we should know what life has in store for us, the very prime of life, but the age at which most men and women find themselves with a neglected body which is degenerating rapidly and is no longer an efficient vehicle in which to put that knowledge and experience into practical use, speedily heading for premature senility and the discard.
We know that the body requires fiber. The error in judgment is in the interpretation of what function the fiber is intended to perform. To be of any value whatever, the fiber in our food must be composed of the raw cellulose, or fiber, of raw vegetables and fruits eaten as nearly as possible in their natural ripe state.
When so eaten, after proper mastication, the digestive processes extract as many as possible of the chemical elements contained in the fibers. The remaining fiber goes through the intestines becoming, figuratively speaking, highly magnetized by means of the muscular kneading of their peristaltic action. Thus they draw into the intestines from every part of the body the used-up cells and tissues, eliminating these, as well as the debris resulting from normal digestion and the end-products thereof, through the colon, thereby acting both as an intestinal broom and as a vacuum cleaner.
When food has been cooked or processed in any manner or form, however, the fiber or cellulose is converted into an inorganic substance in which every vestige of life has been destroyed. The fiber being lifeless therefore can no longer work as a broom or as a vacuum cleaner, but operates instead like a mop (usually a slimy one) pushing matter along without any cleansing effect. Due to lack of magnetic attraction, which cannot be generated in dead fiber, it has no ability whatsoever to draw into the intestines used up cells and tissues from other parts of the body, nor any other toxic matter which may have accumulated therein.
Consider these two pictures. On the one hand an abundance of raw fibers passing through the digestive and eliminative tracts, acting as a cleansing broom and as a vacuum cleaner after every meal, three times a day, leaving not only a clean intestinal tract each time but also removing from the system other accumulated waste matter. On the other hand visualize the fiber of cooked, devitalized food (nearly always in excessive quantities) passing through the intestines and eliminative organs three times a day - 40,000 times or more in 40 years-every time leaving a coating. 40,000 coatings, be they ever so thin, are bound to leave their mark.
Man is the only member of the animal kingdom who, notwithstanding his supposedly higher intelligence, indulges his appetites at the expense of his body, and pampers these deliberately, without using common sense or good judgment, listening to the silky voice of deception telling him that food has nothing to do with the condition of his body.
With such a lack of knowledge it is not surprising that just when we have reached the age when our knowledge and experience are of value to us, for us to use to advantage, and we are really anxious to begin to LIVE, we find ourselves handicapped with a physical body which is ready for the discard, if not for the grave.
The problem therefore is to know how to change our eating habits to regenerate our body, without too much discomfort, and reactions too strong for the comfort of the mind or the vicissitudes of our daily life, and what will enable us to achieve eventually a healthy body free from fatigue, sickness and disease.

norman walkers most important book , notice reviews -
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A little off topic since it’s for a completely different exercise but have you (or anyone) ever used a camber bar? Just used one last week and the stretch for a bench press is wicked.
Very cool. Never seen that before. Was doing some reading and I like the fact that it takes stress off the shoulders. Currently I've got some shoulder issues that are temporary but once I get back to lifting this would be nice to have.

Thanks for sharing.
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A little off topic since it’s for a completely different exercise but have you (or anyone) ever used a camber bar? Just used one last week and the stretch for a bench press is wicked.
Yeah I have. I love specialty bars. I have an SSB, an axle and a log in my home gym. I love those pieces.

The safety squat is probably the single most life-changing thing you can use for leg and posterior chain training.
Yeah I have. I love specialty bars. I have an SSB, an axle and a log in my home gym. I love those pieces.

The safety squat is probably the single most life-changing thing you can use for leg and posterior chain training.
And... another great suggestion.

I haven't been able to do squats because of the shoulder. This looks like it might be a good solution. Is it a specialty bar or is it an attachment that you can add to an olympic bar?
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And... another great suggestion.

I haven't been able to do squats because of the shoulder. This looks like it might be a good solution. Is it a specialty bar or is it an attachment that you can add to an olympic bar?

I’ve seen those in some fitness stores here (none at my gym so I never used) and it looks like it’s only sold as a specialty bar.

On your previous comment… I have occasional shoulder pain also and the camber bar felt good. However, dumbbell bench is a viable substitute and is actually my preferred bench press movement, though I still use barbell and machines.

As for legs, I don’t squat often as well but more because my back. I do have gym access though and the hack squat and leg press I use all the time.
And... another great suggestion.

I haven't been able to do squats because of the shoulder. This looks like it might be a good solution. Is it a specialty bar or is it an attachment that you can add to an olympic bar?

Its a "pricey" add but its something that will be used forever.

The kabuki transformer bar is the cream of the crop but expensive. It allows you to change the angle of the weight.

The bells of steel options, rogue, gorilla and elitefts are also all fine options.

Another alternative for squats with bad shoulder would be zombie squats, its also very good fod your core.
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A little off topic since it’s for a completely different exercise but have you (or anyone) ever used a camber bar? Just used one last week and the stretch for a bench press is

A little off topic since it’s for a completely different exercise but have you (or anyone) ever used a camber bar? Just used one last week and the stretch for a bench press is wicked.
Tbh I had to look it up. I’ve never even seen one before, but they look like another very practical application similarly to the hexbar. I think I need to get myself one of these now.

Thank you for bringing it up. That extra stretch under control would be extremely useful imo.
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Lot of you lads like to bulk up it looks like,no one plays sports anymore or are you lads aspiring for bouncer and doorman duties? lol
Yeah I have. I love specialty bars. I have an SSB, an axle and a log in my home gym. I love those pieces.

The safety squat is probably the single most life-changing thing you can use for leg and posterior chain training.
Got my SSB today. It’s a beast of a bar and pretty freaking awesome. Thanks for the suggestion. I’ll be able to start working out again in limited fashion starting in June.
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Got my SSB today. It’s a beast of a bar and pretty freaking awesome. Thanks for the suggestion. I’ll be able to start working out again in limited fashion starting in June.
What brand?

Good mornings, lunges/split squats, squats are superb using this. Also carries are cool and very good for core work.
What brand?

Good mornings, lunges/split squats, squats are superb using this. Also carries are cool and very good for core work.
Titan v2

I checked the reviews and they all said it was the best for the money. It’s a rip-off of another company’s design but apparently it’s actually made a little better.

I had to pick it up across the border today. Drove down to Niagara and picked it up there. Should’ve brought the SUV, it was a huge pain in the ass to fit it into the sedan. I had to unbox the thing while I was in the street to get it into the car.
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Titan v2

I checked the reviews and they all said it was the best for the money. It’s a rip-off of another company’s design but apparently it’s actually made a little better.

I had to pick it up across the border today. Drove down to Niagara and picked it up there. Should’ve brought the SUV, it was a huge pain in the ass to fit it into the sedan. I had to unbox the thing while I was in the street to get it into the car.
Yeah titan makes nice stuff. Mostly rip offs but other companies charge a premium for name so they can duck it.
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What's the deal? gave a go again with snowboarding a while back and it's just not for me. It's weird that I have no problem surfing since I was a kid and no issues skateboarding in my teens, but feet are free and not so with the snowboards, feel like I got to make adjustments but not able to. No big deal prefer skiing anyways, just irksome that it goes as poorly as I'd like where as other things are picked up quickly and with adeptness.:mad:
Yeah I have. I love specialty bars. I have an SSB, an axle and a log in my home gym. I love those pieces.

The safety squat is probably the single most life-changing thing you can use for leg and posterior chain training.

Ugh. As if I needed more things to spend money on.

Any cheap adjustable dumbbells recommendations ? I find they're so damn expensive. I just want a pair of 5-50lbs ones to do light work.

My big thing right now is I need to sit down and make a meal plan. I used to be sub 10% while powerlifting for years before having kids and the meal plan / cardio was a big part of it. Also, genetics. The hectic life with work, personal projects and kids has been hard to maintain an optimal weight though. You tend to eat more shit than you want.
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I'm 60, have an old basketball rim on my barn. Was out shooting a few baskets, played a little pickup game with my nephew and his friends last night. After about 10 minutes I was sucking air. Huffing and puffing. Totally not in shape. I never realized I was in that bad shape before.
Ugh. As if I needed more things to spend money on.

Any cheap adjustable dumbbells recommendations ? I find they're so damn expensive. I just want a pair of 5-50lbs ones to do light work.

My big thing right now is I need to sit down and make a meal plan. I used to be sub 10% while powerlifting for years before having kids and the meal plan / cardio was a big part of it. Also, genetics. The hectic life with work, personal projects and kids has been hard to maintain an optimal weight though. You tend to eat more shit than you want.
Myfitnesspal can help you track everything from a diet perspective.

If you’re looking for fat loss, a caloric deficit/high protein diet is really effective when combined with strength training and HIIT. You’ll gain muscle while losing fat.

I have Ironmaater adjustable dumbbells. Great but probably too expensive for what you’re looking for.

This guy has some nice vids on equipment. Here’s his vid on budget adjustable dembells:

Here’s his vid on ALL adjustable dumbbells:
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I'm 60, have an old basketball rim on my barn. Was out shooting a few baskets, played a little pickup game with my nephew and his friends last night. After about 10 minutes I was sucking air. Huffing and puffing. Totally not in shape. I never realized I was in that bad shape before.
Anaerobic stop-start activities will always leave us winded pretty quickly. The difference between in-shape and out-of-shape is how fast you recover.

Try adding a slow run/walk for 15 minutes, two/three times a week. You'll increase your lung capacity and circulation.
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Lot of you lads like to bulk up it looks like,no one plays sports anymore or are you lads aspiring for bouncer and doorman duties? lol
This thread is called "Fitness and Nutrition", which means different things if you're younger and single than it does for those of us over 50 or 60. Different stages of life, different goals.

One of my sons is 23 and exercises to look good and build up his body. I'm 60 and stay in shape because I'm afraid of death.
Ugh. As if I needed more things to spend money on.

Any cheap adjustable dumbbells recommendations ? I find they're so damn expensive. I just want a pair of 5-50lbs ones to do light work.

My big thing right now is I need to sit down and make a meal plan. I used to be sub 10% while powerlifting for years before having kids and the meal plan / cardio was a big part of it. Also, genetics. The hectic life with work, personal projects and kids has been hard to maintain an optimal weight though. You tend to eat more shit than you want.
I bought Marcy hollow olympic dumbell on Amazon. It works for pretty much every thing.

If I had money to spare I would go with Pépin dumbbells though.
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Lot of you lads like to bulk up it looks like,no one plays sports anymore or are you lads aspiring for bouncer and doorman duties? lol

A lot of us play sports. I used to lift a lot, but in recent years have scaled back and instead play hockey, run cross country, ski, bike, etc. Theyre more accessible activities too if I want to invite a friend.
Myfitnesspal can help you track everything from a diet perspective.

If you’re looking for fat loss, a caloric deficit/high protein diet is really effective when combined with strength training and HIIT. You’ll gain muscle while losing fat.

I have Ironmaater adjustable dumbbells. Great but probably too expensive for what you’re looking for.

This guy has some nice vids on equipment. Here’s his vid on budget adjustable dembells:

Here’s his vid on ALL adjustable dumbbells:

Thanks for the vids, but honestly I have over 20 years of training experience and spent a decade powerlifting, including competitions.. I already know all of this stuff, my twenties to early thirties I was sub 10% body fat and lifting 500lbs deadlifts. I know how and what to eat, how to track, etc. My issues are more about trying to manage my time with all of my work and family responsibilities. Im smack in the messy middle like Dave Ramsay likes to say.

I found some decent dumbbells already, but I was hoping maybe @Mrb1p had some out of the box idea. The 7-52lbs have some decent deals, but they'll be outgrown in around a month or two. The 10-90lbs are hella expensive with shipping and tax, even at discounts.
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A lot of us play sports. I used to lift a lot, but in recent years have scaled back and instead play hockey, run cross country, ski, bike, etc. Theyre more accessible activities too if I want to invite a friend.

Thanks for the vids, but honestly I have over 20 years of training experience and spent a decade powerlifting, including competitions.. I already know all of this stuff, my twenties to early thirties I was sub 10% body fat and lifting 500lbs deadlifts. I know how and what to eat, how to track, etc. My issues are more about trying to manage my time with all of my work and family responsibilities. Im smack in the messy middle like Dave Ramsay likes to say.

I found some decent dumbbells already, but I was hoping maybe @Mrb1p had some out of the box idea. The 7-52lbs have some decent deals, but they'll be outgrown in around a month or two. The 10-90lbs are hella expensive with shipping and tax, even at discounts.
There you go you officially are in the "I used to bench 315 in high school part of your life", lol.

Take a look at Coops video that LG posted, he's very thorough with his testing and covers every single possible options there is.

I just watched the 2nd vid @Lafleurs Guy linked and the adjustabells look very nice. I have no qualms with my marcy, aside from the size. The adjustabells seems to fix that problem because they have the same system as the original pépin dumbells. The pépin are still pretty expensive though.

I actually think Im going to buy those like right now I didn't know they existed, at that price point. He also talks about the OG Pépin in there if you want something a bit more durable and nice.


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