Professional sports have always been a business. Rich owners paid for newly rich players to entertain fans so that they would listen to the radio, follow advertisements, and pay for the teams tickets. The thing is that although professional sports have always been a business, they are today mega-business. The NHL is a multi-billion dollar form of entertainment. For every star on the ice, there are super stars in suits running the teams, picking the commercial, relocating franchises, and playing for huge profits.
Hockey is a game. The NHL is a business. If the NHL ceased to exist, there would still be young boys and girls near the northern border as well as other areas of the world smacking a puck into a trashcan. You can't think of hockey and the NHL as the same thing.
The NHL is a form of entertainment that has 30 channels for 30 teams. As in any other program, heads start to roll when the program doesn't do well. Doing well does not mean its a quality program. Doing well means how much profit can be made from the program, so heads roll, when the show no longer profits.
The NHL is a form of televised entertainment, so what is more fitting for an owner of one of the channels than the owner of a billion dollar cable television/isp provider.
The point is there isn't one guy or one fix for this team. Heads will roll when this team doesn't profit, and it does profit, so nothing will change.
This is not the league of our fathers and grandfather, this is a mega-business.
The fact is that many of the posters on these boards are real fans. They watch the team, care about it, and may have watched for generations, so why don't many of you guys go to games anymore?
You were priced out! The league needed real fans when it was a league of real fans, now it is a completely different game.
We can piss and moan about all the changes we can think of, and I don't think anything will change. This team turns a big profit, we still keep the better optimum packages to watch MSG, and although the Garden is at times as stale as a morgue, there are ***** warming the seats.
See you in July for the next bump for season subscribers, free agent frenzy!