that's the difference between North-American & Finnish players it seems. it's cultural difference. you are taught early on to go for big paycheck rather than playing with passion. our players care about fans. like someone said, it's about pride for us. if we fail to win gold, they refuse to go home empty handed. they play for eachother and for the fans who deserve something to cheer for...if North-American players rather finish 4th than 3rd, that's loser mentality for me, point is that never give up. play with heart till' the tournament is over.
what USA did in bronze match is a disgrace for the fans. they just don't care and if any of the Finnish players would do that, i'd never want to see them in Finnish jersey again cause when you put that Lion jersey on, you represent the country, you got selected amongst the many. if you can't give your best till' the end of the tournament, you don't deserve the jersey.
olympic medal is olympic medal. it's played only every 4 years and not everyone has one. if players can't appreciate this fact, they don't care about hockey, only money money money money.
and yes i know, everything that i said about Finland goes for every other EU country aswell. but this topic seems to be about us only so that's why