Fighting has to go

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Registered User
Jan 5, 2014
Fighting has decreased significantly over the years and will eventually nearly completely fade away as part of natural evolution of hockey (rules and game). There might be a renaissence at some point but we’re not there at all.

Most of this is because people are aware of the brain damage and know what causes them, so they’re not seen as nice that they used to … therefore the ideals of hockey are striving in other domains like speed and tactics.

Phil McKraken

Registered User
Jul 13, 2010
I don't really care either way about fighting, but it's ironic that people get so upset about Tom Wilson and headshots when you're literally allowed to try your best to injure people's heads off the clock.
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Registered User
Dec 16, 2009
Dawson City, YT
It does exist. Not as much (which is a good thing), but it still exists.

Fighting is archaic. There is a reason why hockey is the only team sport in which it is allowed. Because it is f***ing stupid.

It exists because it's an emotional release valve for when plays get heated or when a player runs around doing cheap crap and the refs aren't calling it.

I'd much rather the players blow some steam in the odd fight rather than cheap shotting eachother in the corner or throwing a violent cross check or slash. Injuries are far more common from cheap stick work and dirty plays than they are in a fight. It's just more noticeable when a player is injured in a fight because everyones focus and attention is on them and we get over reactions like what we're seeing in this thread.

I've seen many games get settled down because of a fight versus the alternative of players taking liberties on each other when they're emotions are running high.


Registered User
Sep 12, 2008
Real hockey fans dont watch hockey for the fights. Real hockey fans dont care if they abolish it or not. Bandwagoners that want attention on the internet make threads like this.

No true Scotsman, or appeal to purity, is an informal fallacy in which one attempts to protect their universal generalization from a falsifying counterexample by excluding the counterexample improperly.[1][2][3] Rather than abandoning the falsified universal generalization or providing evidence that would disqualify the falsifying counterexample, a slightly modified generalization is constructed ad-hoc to definitionally exclude the undesirable specific case and counterexamples like it by appeal to rhetoric.[4] This rhetoric takes the form of emotionally charged but nonsubstantive purity platitudes such as "true, pure, genuine, authentic, real", etc.[2][5]
Philosophy professor Bradley Dowden explains the fallacy as an "ad hoc rescue" of a refuted generalization attempt.[1] The following is a simplified rendition of the fallacy:[6]
Person A: "No Scotsman puts sugar on his porridge."
Person B: "But my uncle Angus is a Scotsman and he puts sugar on his porridge."
Person A: "But no true Scotsman puts sugar on his porridge."


HFBoards Sponsor
Jan 23, 2017
I love these threads.

Bitch about anything and everything hockey related non stop for however long you want - no one bats an eye.

Hint even slightly that you may not enjoy fighting in hockey - "Omg you're not a real hockey fan, this is a man's sport!! Go watch soccer!!!!"

Like, we get it. You're a caveman.

Scandale du Jour

Mar 11, 2002
Asbestos, Qc
It exists because it's an emotional release valve for when plays get heated or when a player runs around doing cheap crap and the refs aren't calling it.

I'd much rather the players blow some steam in the odd fight rather than cheap shotting eachother in the corner or throwing a violent cross check or slash. Injuries are far more common from cheap stick work and dirty plays than they are in a fight. It's just more noticeable when a player is injured in a fight because everyones focus and attention is on them and we get over reactions like what we're seeing in this thread.

I've seen many games get settled down because of a fight versus the alternative of players taking liberties on each other when they're emotions are running high.

Or maybe the refs should do their job and call the game according to the rules.

Fighting does not stop anything. It is a gimmick.


Registered User
Nov 11, 2008
Finnish league is the nr. 1 sports league in their national market though.

NHL is barely top 10.

A lot to catch!

Just because you say this doesn't make it true.

Please tell me what other 'sports leagues' are above hockey in Canada? (this should be good)


Holy Jumpin!
Jun 22, 2010
Mid Michigan
Hockey is too dangerous. Hits should be removed from the game, players should no longer wear skates because they are sharp, and they should be required to bubble wrap their entire bodies before the game, and reapply it between periods in case any of the little bubbles pop. No more rushing the other teams net, it puts the goalie at risk. Pool noodles need applied to the goal posts. Also, scrums after the whistle need to go. We don't need players getting upset on the ice.


Registered User
Jul 18, 2014
I don't think it should be removed with a zero tolerance approach, but more and more I think it (and the culture around it) should be reduced. Fighting as a (rare) spur of the moment reaction to (real) dirty play, or when a battle escalates shouldn't be met with ejections. To much incentive for rats to goad people into it, and once fighting gets conditioned out of people the retaliation will come in other ways.

That being said, the sideshow shit should be reviewable and suspendable. Momentum fights, faceoff fights... toss em and have escalating suspensions.

Leaf Fans

Registered User
Sep 29, 2017
Hockey is too dangerous. Hits should be removed from the game, players should no longer wear skates because they are sharp, and they should be required to bubble wrap their entire bodies before the game, and reapply it between periods in case any of the little bubbles pop. No more rushing the other teams net, it puts the goalie at risk. Pool noodles need applied to the goal posts. Also, scrums after the whistle need to go. We don't need players getting upset on the ice.
I agree. And slow things down. Rushing around like that is bound to get someone hurt, and do they really need sticks? That just screams weapon. Do they really have to shoot the puck so hard? Or at all? You can get more involvement by passing the puck. Now, fighting, the hits, shooting, and the speed are bad enough; we can't overlook the ice it caused an injury to Kassian last night, they should play on something softer.
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Registered User
Mar 25, 2012
So many times you see the linesman jumping in to breakup a fight too early for no reason. Then you see guys lose their helmets and the linesman don't stop the fight. If you lose your helmet during play you can't play the puck and need to get off the ice or get a penalty. Not sure why they don't just stop fights once a helmet comes off?


Registered User
Mar 13, 2021
Ridin pine
Hockey is too dangerous. Hits should be removed from the game, players should no longer wear skates because they are sharp, and they should be required to bubble wrap their entire bodies before the game, and reapply it between periods in case any of the little bubbles pop. No more rushing the other teams net, it puts the goalie at risk. Pool noodles need applied to the goal posts. Also, scrums after the whistle need to go. We don't need players getting upset on the ice.
Plus ban beer sales at games. because its common knowledge alcohol consumption may lead to the home crowd getting into the game and having fun, Which we obviously don't want. And any car that wants to park in the ramp and isnt electric fueled by solar panels, and a wind mill. Quadruple the price.
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Registered User
Nov 22, 2008
In 2021 If you feel any entertainment watching two men throw punches at an artful sport like Hockey, you need help in more ways than one and you should go seek it.

American society promotes violence and hatred a lot through their culture so it's easy to see how brainwashed people can be with violence. Talking about hating teams, players, getting back at him etc. But at a certain point one has to question themselves about the deeper meaning and what they want from a game of Hockey at the professional level.

There has to be a time where a rule is implemented. If you fight 25 game suspension. It's enough at this point in time. Hockey has evolved from the caveman era.

Problem is the NHL is followed by a lot of shallow people as evidenced by this thread. People who don't really have an understanding of the game and sport in general.
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Registered User
Jun 17, 2010
In 2021 If you feel any entertainment watching two men throw punches at an artful sport like Hockey, you need help in more ways than one and you should go seek it.

American society promotes violence and hatred a lot through their culture so it's easy to see how brainwashed people can be with violence. Talking about hating teams, players, getting back at him etc. But at a certain point one has to question themselves about the deeper meaning and what they want from a game of Hockey at the professional level.

There has to be a time where a rule is implemented. If you fight 25 game suspension. It's enough at this point in time. Hockey has evolved from the caveman era.

Yeah that's never going to happen


Registered User
Mar 13, 2021
Ridin pine
And make playing pond hockey a federal crime up north because its unfair to the folks living in atlanta and houston
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Registered User
Jan 21, 2016
I'm sorry, English isn't my native language. In Finnish, games like football, ice hockey and basketball, basically team sports, are in the same category.

Sorry just a pet peeve of mine when people call something different like this or when people call a hockey game a match.
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