I'm aware, but its become redundant with that same thing being repeated like a broken record for a lot of the players in these threads. Anyone who expected to see players performing at their best in this tournament were setting themselves up for disappointment.
I'm a big fan of McDavid. He's really the only Oiler I can say that about. I never got into the Crosby or Ovechkin hype in their early years because back then I wasn't tuned into prospects. But I've been following McDavid since he first started juniors.
And I just want to see a little more dynamism and variety in his game. I understand he's not gonna be or doesn't have to be his best here. In one of the Canadian GDTs I made this very observation that in a best on best not everyone is going to look like the best they show in the NHL. These young guns are no exception. What I want to see from McDavid is more variety in his offensive attempts. He keeps doing the same thing. He screams down the wing at high speed with his soft hand cradling of the puck and it's fun to watch but it's not really creating dangerous chances. I don't need to see McDavid score points. I know he's an offensively potent guy. I just think for a young player of his potential and established talent, there should be a bit more creativity in his attempts.