Despite WADA’s black-and-white stance on this, the controversy over Meldonium is more of a culture clash. It’s fairly low-level as far as banned substances go—it’s sold over-the-counter in Russia and some Eastern European countries as a heart medication, and athletes and trainers believe it helps with endurance. A New York Times article on the rash of positive tests explains how Russians are baffled that WADA would consider it cheating.
Until the fall, Russian teams had used the drug regularly and openly, viewing it as a remedy for fending off exhaustion and heart problems. Most team coaches would keep a supply, administering it along with other standard vitamins.
“I’ve been working for 20 years; we could never imagine that it would be included as a doping substance,†said Sergei Sheremetiev, a physician with Russia’s ski-jumping team.
So it’s not so simple as Russian athletes wantonly using banned performance-enhancing drugs. (Though it is exactly that.) It’s Russian sports being asked to completely change their longtime training regimens in service of a new rule they see as arbitrary and morally indefensible, and specifically targeting them. And if that means they have to send a bunch of 16-year-olds to a tournament full of 17-year-olds to avoid having their results thrown out by failed in-competition tests, so be it.