Well, that, and the fact that we did it a) with our highest pick in 20 years, and b) in the best draft in the last 30.
I think it's more a product of the internet making a lot of things seeming more recent than they really are.
Nobody in 2003 was getting panic attacks over the 1988 debacle.
But with video, and message boards, and a platform for us to feed into each other's fears, 2003 seems like only a few years ago.
For the sake of context, whoever our next pick is in this draft was probably just learning to skate and two years away from kindergarten when Jessiman was selected.
Gordie Clark was with the Rangers 9 months (and the draft was still Maloney's chief responsibility).
The Rangers were still living the dream of making the playoffs with a veteran squad and the lockout was a year away.
Our current GM wasn't old enough to rent a car without paying through the nose.
Hey Ya! was one of the most popular songs on the radio.
The iPhone was still 4 years away from debuting.
The Concorde was still flying.
Some veteran posters on these boards were literally in elementary school.
I don't know how tomorrow will shake out. But I think we've got some mileage between under our belts since those days and the lockout.