Off the top of my head: Amonte, Gartner, Patrick, Wells (i/0), Domi, King, Weight, Marchant, Turcotte. I still remember that awful Nedved/Zubov trade. That one hurt.
Between 1991 and 1994:
Bernie Nicholls, David Shaw, Vanbiesbrouck, Domi, Amonte, Gartner, Wells, Patrick, Erixon, Marchant, Turcotte, Zubov, Nedved, Weight, Kris King, Janssens, Hull, Fiorentino, Bloemberg, Rochefort, Zamuner, Miller, Hardy, Moller, Gillen, Cirella, Kerr, Djos, Broten, Ogrodnick, P. Andersson, Hurlbut, Tikanen, G. Anderson, Steven King, McIntyre, Duncanson, Hartman, Hirsch, Marcinyshyn, Greg Gilbert, MacTavish, Lidster, Bourque, Hiller, Joby Messier, Roy, Osborne, Loney, Featherstone, McCosh and Lacroix all went or came and went within that time period.
Some were core players, some support players. Some played for years, others for a few games. Some were homegrown, others were still prospects.
But there were a number of guys who spent significant time with the Rangers who just missed out.