Personally, I don't find his skating to be a concern.
I just feel like we're reaching that point of the year, right before the draft, where guys seem to rise and fall on a weekly basis on here.
Yeah I have a tendency to pick up on these just from watching a little of a player, maybe it’s because I had a bad stride myself when I played and worked a ton on improving it that I can spot other guys that don’t move too well.

Just think it’s one of those things that comes from being spoon fed hockey from a young age, it’s easy to misjudge speed if you try to gauge how fast a player gets from A to B or try to measure how fast someone moves in relation to those around him. A kid can be gassed or what not. I think that is a mistake many make.
But you need to move a certain way to have top notch skating. That never lies. I always add in a bunch of caveats when I post, I’ve been wrong before and will be wrong again, but never in relation to how someone skates. I don’t think I ever been wrong on that issue and I can remember many examples of posters getting how someone skates downright absurdly wrong.
And when it comes to Dach, his skating is definitely not good for a top 10 forward in a draft, keeping up with the pace in the NHL will be an issue for him.