Gladly ?? You can't be serious. Shanny has been an embarrassment most times he has spoken since kid Kyle took over and the results on the ice speak for themselves IMO.
Embarrassment would be the following:
-Trading 2 first round picks (not lottery protected) for a player who refused to sign with his current club. When your team hadn't made the playoffs for god knows how long, and look like shit on paper. Only to finish second last in the standings the year immediately after. Essentially giving up Dougie Hamilton and Tyler Seguin
- Trading a top rated goalie prospect in Tukka Rask to Boston for a goalie with 1 NHL season under his belt. Only because you valued your other "top rated" prospect in Justin Pogge higher, who then went on to play a whopping 7 NHL games
-Trade Alex Steen for Coliacovo and Stempniak
-Draft Tyler Biggs, Stuart Percy, Brad Ross, Kenny Ryan, Jesse Blacker, Matt Finn, and Jimmy Hayes in the top 50 picks of their NHL drafts between 2008-12 and combine for maybe 5 GP for the Leafs. If that
-Signing then 38 year old Patrick Marleau to a 3 year deal, knowing this would directly affect your team's ability to sign your 2 best players coming out of their entry level deals.
-Trading a 1st round pick for Vesa Toskila
-Giving full NTC to Aging vets Mats Sundin, Bryan McCabe, Tomas Kaberle, Darcy Tucker, and Pavel Kubina. Mats being the one that bit us the most.
I'm sure I am missing some.
There absolutely have been mistakes made by this current management group, but none of which would take years to fix. Unlike any of the previous regimes