are you not troubled by Andlauer's "that was the last straw".
did it not have you thinking; okay, what was straw 1 to straw, second to last.
I got a strong sense that the Month that those two were together, was not overly easy.
I think Andlauer had made the decision, before even closing on the team, that Dorion was not going to be extended at the end of the season.
But he was hoping that he could make it through the season, with supervision from Staios, and handle some of the day-to-day busywork that every GM needs to do. As he said, the front-office was already thin, so I don't think he loved making it even thinner, even if the guy he was keeping wasn't in the long-term plans.
But after Dorion's incompetence moved from being "rumours by angry fans on Twitter" to "validated in an official report from the NHL", he couldn't keep him on, even for the season to do paperwork.
And that goes back to my original point. I don't think there was all that much urgency because I don't think Andlauer and Staios thought this team, as currently constructed, was ready to be competitive.
They probably thought it'd be an 80-84 point team, and prior to this roadtrip, that's what we were trending towards. But when we fell below even that, and the toxicity around the coach became too much, they had to move away from him too.
It's kind of crazy. Andlauer came in and was going to give both Dorion and DJ way more benefit of the doubt than anyone who's followed this team wanted. The diginity of a soft exit - a mutual parting after the expiration of their contracts. But within a couple of weeks or months, they still forced him to fire them.
It's like if you became the new manager of a sales team, and you had one rep who hadn't hit his quota in years. But you tell him, "Listen, man, just make your calls, update your records, and don't do anything stupid, and we'll keep you on until Q4. That buys you time to find a new job." And then HR walks into your office and tells you that a video has surfaced of that sales rep shitting in a coworker's drawer. You're left with no choice!