We are getting KOTOR stuff? Ohhhhh shit! They better make Revan canon!
To me, I think Disney wants their version of KOTOR and that's why they announced High Republic. I'm to the point with Disney SW where I'd only want KOTOR being done by certain people, so I'd rather it just not be done. Give me a remastered game though or KOTOR 3. Imagine KOTOR remastered with today's graphics/technology.
I'm one of the few that was not interested in the Obi-Wan show. I don't really care about what Obi-Wan did while in hiding, and I feel like we are getting an absurd amount of content in the years between 3 and 4, but since Chow is leading the show, I'm excited after what she did with Mandalorian in her episodes.
Filoni and his team are the only people I trust with a KOTOR series. But if you're going to do it, try and get Drew Karpyshyn onboard to help write the thing(s).
Or just get him to do a Darth Bane series. There are so many old Star Wars stories for them to draw from, and most of them aren't even canon anymore. The fact that they seem hell bent against revisiting or adapting them baffles me.
Filoni has made a lot of stuff canon with Clone Wars and Rebels though. The Mandalorian (the people, not the series) lore is pretty much straight out of KOTOR. He used Malachor, also from KOTOR. There are probably multiple other examples.
This thought came into my mind with the rumors today about Boba Fett being in S2 of the Mandalorian (and to a lesser extent the Ashoka rumors)Whatever they do, I hope it’s something relatively original with no characters or character references to any of the last 9 films.
No, you're right. I'm exhausted of the period between episodes 3 and 4, and the periods between 6 and 7 seem to be filled with all the same nostalgia too. RLM talked about this stuff all the time, the SW universe is turning out to be incredibly small and creatively bankrupt or lazy.This thought came into my mind with the rumors today about Boba Fett being in S2 of the Mandalorian (and to a lesser extent the Ashoka rumors)
Like I get it, people have a hard on for Boba Fett. But if this universe is so big, can't they go more than 5 seconds without bringing in a prominent character from the Skywalker saga
I don't know, maybe I'm alone in that thought
Whatever they do, I hope it’s something relatively original with no characters or character references to any of the last 9 films.
Someone hinted at that. My guess is he plays Rex who is with Ahsoka. I wonder if Sabine gets cast and if it ties into a potential Rebels reboot.Wonder if Rex makes an appearance too, since Temuera Morrison is the face of every Jango Fett clone.
Revan is such a great character. We need more material on that character. Animated series would work great. A KOTOR series should be divided like this:
1. Pre-Mandalorian Wars (Revan being trained by Treya, Wars starting in the Outter Rim, season finale is Revan, Malak and their crew leaving for war)
2. Mandalorian Wars (Revan, Malak, The Exile as generals, Bastilla staying behind. Battles, politics, relationships. Season finale is the Mass Shadow Generator)
3. Malak and Revan finding the Star Forge and turning to the dark side (We see the Exile being exiled, her leaving the republic. Season finale is them attacking the Republic)
4. Jedi Civil War part 1 (Season finale is Revan being captured by Bastilla. Secondary storyline: The Exile in exile)
5. Jedi Civil War part 2 (Season finale is Revan defeating Malak. Secondary storyline: The Exile in exile)
6. The Sith Lords part 1 (Exile returns. We see the first part of her comeback story. I'd end when she trains her first new Jedi. Secondary storyline: Revan in the unknown regions)
7. The Sith Lords part 2 (Season finale is The Exile defeating Kreia and leaving for the Unknown Regions)
8. The Unknown Regions
9. The Sith Emporer War
No details for season 8 and 9
I think such a layout could make an INCREDIBLE series. Of course, you need the right writers, the right modification to the story to make it more TV-friendly and fleshing out the characters more.
It will never happen, but, meh, one can dream
Even just a remastered version.I'd love a new KOTOR videogame
KOTOR isn't PT era, but I wouldn't be surprised if there was significant overlap of the people that like each. KOTOR being a game was probably targeted to an age group that viewed the PT as fun movies, instead of bad movies.I've tried playing KoTOR a few times and couldn't get into it. The datedness didn't help, but I play lots of dated games, even ones a lot older. I think that it's mostly that the prequel era setting just doesn't interest this OT fan. It's always seemed strange to me that people hate the prequel movies, but love KoTOR. It's not that it should be strange; it's just that, for me, my distaste of the prequels sours everything else set in that era and I'm surprised that I seem to be alone in that. I suppose that I'm the strange one. I wish that I could appreciate the prequel era like many of you, but I just haven't been able to. Maybe I'm just too old and attached to the OT.