Take care my friend.
50's the falloff is gradual.
60's it's very noticeable and you fight it as if it can't happen to you.
70's you ask yourself, "Why did I do this to my body?" Then you lay down in bed and keep readjusting your position until you a re finally comfortable and nothing hurts. Then as you relax you say "There is nothing I wouldn't have done and I would do it all over in a heartbeat."
Football in high school and frosh year of college.
Baseball until injury voided my contract.
Most importantly hockey (had to choose between it and Football/Baseball because of the seasonal overlaps).
I didn't hang up the pads until 50 because I couldn't see the puck. 5 years later had cornea transplants. I wasn't wrong about not being able to see, but didn't know I was going blind (see the eyes are another issue with age). Now I have better vision than I ever had my whole life.
Latest age kick in the ass is hearing. My wife finally got fed up with "Huh?" She scheduled a hearing test. I've now got 2 hearing aids to create cross hearing from the right to the left. I'm nearly deaf in the right ear as the result of benign tumor that was burned off my auditory nerve. Can't believe how well I can hear now.
I have also had a hip replacement and may have to get the other one done. Goaltending was the 2nd love of my life and combined with line play and Catching /1st base, I killed my hips and my knees aren't happy either. My wife says I don't walk, but shuffle. I don't buy it, but it's probably denial.
I have a bad shoulder from hockey, but have fought that one off through therapy.
Joints, eyes, ears and who knows what else, but I'm still kicking and feeling good. Take it one month at a time now when it wasn't that long ago I was taking it a year at a time. Spring and summer brings rebirth and fall leads to the dreaded winter when everything aches.
Can't complain because the alternative isn't one I'm even thinking about.
Rambling is another consequence of aging. Do feel free to just go right by my posts if you find them to be such.
Have to get him through waivers before they can do that. It is a risk.