So count me in with the camp who didnt want Cat at all at the rumored asking price for the trade or for the extension price...but Holy Shit, for this trade package and for 4 years, sign me up! I was busy all day but I saw a bunch of texts from my buddy and originally he texted the 1st, Berggren, Sebrango and another pick and i was a little sad. But then I saw the actual deal! You take that all day and run! The flexibilty is key, if he becomes a cornerstone, great, resign him after 4 years. If he just ends up as a high scoring defensive black hole who cant hack it later in the playoffs, let him walk or ship him off at a deadline. You cant go wrong with what the package price or contract ended up as!
Oh, and I also noticed the Czech experiment is over. All shipped wonder we took Danielson. Im guessing Dvorsky and Sale were nowhere on the list.