I get being passionately against something (See: Me and AV)
I don't get why someone would use playing dumb as their only way to have a discussion on a public forum where everyone can easily read the flow of conversation and see how dumb you're (hopefully) pretending to be. Your literal strategy here is to pretend that you were too imbecilic to comprehend what I said.
At BEST you could've said that Pionk doesn't belong aside those names because he isn't talented enough. You maybe could notice that among the list of names I provided, he's the only one I took time to add a few qualifiers to. You maybe would be able to put two and two together to figure out that clearly I wasn't putting him in that same category of talent. But if you did all that you'd have killed your only response.
You'd still be ignoring the entire point but I guess that's what you're trying to do
The point was NOT "Quinn favors young talent". He might. Wasn't my point though. He doesn't hate them. He plays them. Some play a lot.
As for Pionk, you can't be bereft of talent and pull off that end to end goal he had. Is he oozing talent? Obviously not and like I said it's more than fair to say he doesn't belong with the other names I listed.
But you knew Pionk didn't belong in that response. You're the one playing dumb.
Yes, Quinn plays some talented players but only if they meet his qualifiers (whatever those are, I don't know exactly how he defines "the things I wanna see"). What we do know is that it has nothing to do with hockey ability, and that's abundantly clear from the choices he's making. Now we're in a situation where if you're not already one of his guys, being talented is a bad thing. This is evidenced by him continuing to bench talented players over McLeod who, to me, is soft, lazy, and immature. There's a perception (not just with Quinn) around the league that if you f***ing blow, you must be doing something, where often times, I don't find these players to be any more committed than their more talented counterparts. Now, given the choice between poor character and talented, and poor character and sucks, Quinn is literally going to punish players for being talented. That's what I mean by he hates talent.
That's not to say I put Pionk on the same level as McLeod who I think is just the most worthless human being drawing breath. I wouldn't say that. But do I look at Pionk and think "man, this guy really lays it all on the line"? No. f*** no. He's just perceived as being that because he f***ing sucks. I could see that with McQuaid, he's legit, but not Pionk. Not that character ever mattered that much to me, but as long as we're measuring it, Pionk doesn't strike me as a player with outstanding character. His character gets a boost because he sucks, and now we're back to punishing players because they're talented.
Again, yes, Quinn plays talented players. A monkey could take talented players who also have "character" (depending on your perception of it) and insert them in the lineup. When he doesn't have that and he has to choose, Quinn has demonstrated that 1) he misidentifies sucking at hockey as character and 2) will choose character every single time, whether it's real (McQuaid) or not (McLeod). You know who that reminds me of? AV.
You talked about your passionate resistance to AV. I get that. That doesn't mean that just because we changed the smug and pompous attitude, we've changed the philosophy. You're certainly not the only one, many posters are guilty this season of letting Quinn get away with absolute murder because he's physically not Alain Vigneault.