But I’ll put the 2011 team in the Bruins top 3 toughest teams of all time and that was only 12 years ago.
People loved that team and would still be talking about them even if they didn’t win a cup.
Things can’t have become that watered down/different that quickly, can they?
IDK, maybe you’re right.
I remember those old teams and found the league in the late 70s and 80s entertaining as hell, but it *has* changed and fairly fast. Doing away with clutch and grab, instigator penalties, expanded goalie interference rules, visors, concussion awareness, NHL marketing to create a broader appeal and more 'family friendly' arena environments, many more European players who are brought up in the 'soft' style, more NCAA players, Major Junior cracking down on fighting and rough stuff; it's all finally coming together.