A better question is dose anyone execept Canadians and Americans give a MOD about that tournament?
Some NHL fanboys do, I suppose. Certainly not anyone who is a fan of the sport first.
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A better question is dose anyone execept Canadians and Americans give a MOD about that tournament?
If you've watched the game, you would've realized, that the real problem was inadequate offence, not Bob.
But please, do keep discussing the game you haven't watched.
Does anyone in Russia actually give a damn about that tournament?
I identified up front that I didn't watch the game, but the majority opinion from the posters in this thread who did watch it was that one goaltender, facing about the same number of shots, stood on his head, and one did not. I am assuming from your avatar that you are a Blue Jackets fan. Bobrovsky is a very, very good goaltender, but Russia will need a great one to win with the lineup we've got at the moment.
Bobrovskiy isn't the guy to blame, he stopped everything he could.
Why not Golyshev, Gusev (injured?) or others? Makes no sense.
I identified up front that I didn't watch the game, but the majority opinion from the posters in this thread who did watch it was that one goaltender, facing about the same number of shots, stood on his head, and one did not. I am assuming from your avatar that you are a Blue Jackets fan. Bobrovsky is a very, very good goaltender, but Russia will need a great one to win with the lineup we've got at the moment.
Nobody's got a great lineup this year. Plus Kuznetsov and Ovechkin are most likely coming...Russian fans worry too much.
I'm betting team RUS makes it to the GMG...AGAIN
Makes no sense to me either. Znarok sucks.
By all accounts, Russia didn't play that badly today. Maybe early on, but in the last 2 periods, posters say that Russia was putting a lot of pressure on. They can definitely get better with the addition of Radulov and a couple of others without necessarily having Ovechkin or Kuznetsov. The lineup looks bad on paper, but they could definitely get better.
Russia is going nowhere with players like Shirokov, Plotnikov, Lyubimov, imo... Bobrovsky looked weak.
I'll say it, we need a foreign coach.
I not much of hocky but when this god damn moron inkludes pice of **** like plotnikoff what he just expect?
How did Kempny look?
The consensus on Russian sports pages is that this Russian team is going to s*** in this tournament. It's looking bad. The only hope is that the team might win the next few matches and then start playing better.
i bet after making big money in russia he'll retire in germany. our german beaver.That is my question. Is it more "Oleg Znarok" or "Oleks Znaroks" ?
I have to disagree with you regarding Bobrovsky. The guy played pretty well. It's the stupid penalties and poor realization of our chances that got us. Russia was being too chaotic out there, stuff just wasn't going on that should've been going on. Quite frustrating, but blaming it all on Bobrovsky is not an explanation, imo.
i bet after making big money in russia he'll retire in germany. our german beaver.
it's not a coach's problem, there're just not enough good players. plotnikov (and a slew of others) being in the roster is a diagnosis to the whole system