Not sure why people are whining about the world being barebones sir whatever when they've barely played. The world is pretty rich in detail, and your map is cluttered with things to do. Not sure I really get the GTA comparisons, this game has pretty deep RPG stuff like perks, skills, crafting, dialogue choices, levels of skills that make you able to do stuff you normally couldn't, unique romance options, etc. Basically can play how you want.
I'm like 10+ hours in, and it's been awesome so far. Playing on an ok PC - 1060 6gb at 1440p, mostly low/medium but usually hovers around 35fps which is fine. Rather have 1440p than 1080p with a bit higher fps. Haven't ran into any major bugs or crashes either, just some minor stuff like pop in. I mean it's no surprise it runs like crap on old gen hardware. They've been out for 7+ years, and the hardware wasn't even good when they came out. I'd just wait if playing on those systems, hopefully they can improve it. The ps5/Xbox one x, seem to run pretty good though from what I've read.