Tagliabue had no choice with the Browns, Oilers, Raiders and Rams because none of those team were moved through an ownership change. Their owners had up and moved and league precedent from the 80’s Raiders to LA move was already set. The league did return to Cleveland and Houston in short order via expansion (though the Houston expansion was supposed to be a new LA team). And of course the league orcatrated the Rams and Chargers LA moves.Hubris is a helluva drug.
That can go either way. David Stern had no qualms about moving the Hornets, Grizzlies and Sonics when things got dicy and it want financially viable for them to stay where they were. Two of those teams were relocated within a year of each other.
Similarly Paul Tagliabue when it came to the Browns & Oilers. Or Goodell with the Chargers & Raiders. (I would include the Rams x2, but the league letting Georgia Frontiere move them was a huge mistake and should have never happened)
I don’t believe the Hornets or Sonics were immediately tied to ownership changes. The Sonics were bought with the intent to move but there was a gap. Once an owner is in the club it is difficult to dislodge them. Which is why there is likely an expansion clause in this sale to get Murelo to relent.