Still not really familiar with how state land auctions work.... there was quite a lot of info on it posted up thread though and might help.
But.... what I understand is.... the Coyotes originally applied for 200 acres. The appraisal came back and it was decided that it would be too much for what they want to do (which is why you do appraisals in the first place.)
So they cut the size in half which requires a completely new appraisal. Which has not come back yet and is why it didn't make the meeting agenda today. And the earliest they could possibly meet again (barring being able to call a special meeting) is next month.
Auctions run roughly for 10 weeks. So we're adding that to the timeline and now you're getting towards beyond the time the league (and Coyotes) wanted to have a plan in place.
Meanwhile you have SLC knocking on the league's front door wanting to start an application. Atlanta is also close to going forward on their plans.
But the Coyotes are still sitting in limbo.
There's been talk about the league forcing Meruelo to sell. But it's ironic that the guy who started this whole Coyotes saga/drama back in 2008-09 by convincing Jerry Moyes to put the team in bankruptcy court would come out now and say (posted above) that Meruelo has the leverage with that.
(The circle is complete
(EDIT: Also learned the NHL is currently having an Executive Meeting on this)