Without getting too political, I just wanna get this off my chest.
I get the skepticism. The media sells panic. The government wants control and loves to use fear. Corporate America will find a way to come out on top of literally any situation and profit from it. I think we all agree on those things across the political spectrum even if our respective solutions are different.
Life is not risk-free and the aforementioned entities will push even minimal risk to scare and control you, I absolutely believe that.
On top of that, bird flu, swine flu, the original SARS, mad cow, West Nile, zika, and ebola all came and and went (or just hung around) and never affected my life one bit.
So when it's real, there's a tendency to lean on that "oh, horse feathers" response. That was me in January of 2020.
This one is real. I'm not repeating anybody's agenda. I'm telling you as a regular person, I saw it. Back in March of 2020, we had 3-4 days in New York where ambulance sirens literally never stopped around the clock. We had a death in my family; 58 years old and the guy didn't have a thing wrong with him. This is no BS. No "he had a heart attack and then tested positive." Nah, this was "complications from COVID-19." I heard what the doctor said. In one lab, 3 of my 18 students lost grandparents. 3 out of 18. Another student of mine picked up decent-paying hours at a morgue because the morgue had so many bodies that they needed help. This virus is not f***ing around with you.
I get the hesitancy. I never liked vaccines. But nothing wrong with the vaccine is gonna be worse than I witnessed last year. That's the way I look at it.
Granted, some of the arguments I've heard, like it's mild for most people, or we're generously counting deaths, or the mental effects of isolation are worse, etc may be mostly true now...if you're vaccinated.
If you're not, you're still living in the reality I described above. This isn't fear mongering, this is what I saw. It's what
@Gardner McKay saw in his life. We might disagree on things but I know this man a long time now and modded with him -- he's a straight shooter. This is not a fire you wanna play with.
It's not like I described for the most part in 2021 and I firmly believe it's because we're majority vaccinated.
If the "neighbor" argument doesn't appeal to you, you might be saving yourself by getting it. Either your life or long-term damage. It doesn't hit most people that hard but it hits enough people and if it happens, you're gonna wish you could go back and take the out.