This is why I said there will be many that disagree.
You certainly are looking at things rationally. But this is a completely irrational time. No president or governor can afford to see breadlines happen. I did this example before but will do it again. Take the accounting industry. Yes, the Big 4 firm is a huge company. But they WILL go down if their clients go out of business. Yes, their clients are very large, but this is affecting everything. Whether their client is financial or commercial, prolonged isolation and historic level market dislocation will make them permanently close. That will drive even a Big 4 firm out of business. But not until mass layoffs happen first. So then you go to the midsize companies. Well, already most small business are shuttered. So when they do not reopen, the smaller and mid size accounting firms have mass layoffs. Then you go to the sole practitioner. The individuals that are being serviced by that person are unemployed and cannot afford the service anymore. Now you have the big corp, the mid size firm and that small individual, ALL out of business. That would be adding on to ALL of the smaller businesses that have already been wiped out and all of the bars, restaurants, delis, cafes that will never reopen.
Long term, that is catastrophic. So no, I do not believe that neither the federal nor state government is going to allow for such a scenario to unfold. And that is not even talking about the physical toll of an extended isolation. I am sure that some of the papers will scream, and I am sure that some politicians will scream but neither state nor federal government will be willing to sacrifice the long term health of a state and a country. Yes, there will be people that refuse and if they can work from home, they will. There will also be people that never leave their house again. But gradually, the businesses will reopen and probably not fast enough for some. And too soon for others.