Super legit question, and I think its talked about very quietly in the main stream media right now.
This is just my understanding of it, my speculation.
But it must of course under and scenario come down to the strategy going forward -- i.e. when will the shut down no longer be needed, then it can be lifted -- which in its turn depends on how big portion of the population have had the decease.
So if the portion of the population that have had the virus is a few percent or lower, the only option to exit the shelter in place is if you successfully can go back to being able to really fast track down and put everyone that have the virus in strict quarantine. This is of course a point we are really far from today. Italy is about a month ahead of everyone, but they are far from it too. This has nothing to do with the apex or peak of the spread. You literary need to go to zero cases in the public domain and then track and shut down every single case that breaks out again. That its what South Korea and China have done.
In this case, as I understand it, we are talking 2-3 more months if we get help from the summer, or 6-12 months if we don't.
If the portion of the population that have had the virus is up towards maybe 30 percent, its possible gradually open up the society the coming 6 months.
This of course don't take into account a miracle vacceine.
How have you guys understood this?
Today the strategy in Germany leaked how it is imagined to at least partly return to normal. The goal needs to be that the infection rate per infected person remains below 1 until a vaccine is available.
For this the proposed measures are:
- increasing test availability to 500k daily (currently in Germany at around 60k)
- find 80-100% of contacts of an infected person within one day and test them immediately
- quarantine people in "quarantine-hotels"
- strictly isolate Covid-19 patients from all other patients in hospitals
- wearing a face mask in public will become mandatory
- protect and isolate risk groups (ie. retirement homes and hospital visits might be restricted)
- all mass gatherings, parties (private or public) and so on will remain forbidden until a vaccine is available
If this can be done (and especially the increased testing will be very challenging), then the opinion is, that the hospitals will be able to manage the situation. And lockdown measures will be gradually lifted.
As Austria just announced starting to lift restrictions from April, 14th onwards, I would expect Germany to follow slowly on April, 20th when the current orders are set to expire as of now.
It will be interesting if this containment can then be achieved as it seems to be possible in South Korea.