Is there is something wrong in being a teacher? All of a sudden you feel people should look down on teachers now? I know you like to cast aspersions but teachers are on your hit list now? Weird....
If you are talking about JT, he's been MP/PM longer than he was a teacher, I'm sure you knew that though. Why wouldn't you say as the Leader of the 4th most influential country in the world, a leader who has improved Canada's place in the world as a world power, the leader of the most influential country in the Western hemisphere, rightfully a few spots ahead of the quickly weakening US, the leader of the country who has has the least amount of covid-19 deaths in North America per 100k , statistically quantifiably the best Covid-19 mitigation plan in North America, the PM is asking his citizens to act in a responsible manner? That guy?
All I can say is thank god we didn't have a sociopathic narcissist grifter con man leading this country , one could only imagine how much damage a man like that would do. I mean we are talking probably 500,000 dead, crashed economy, like I mean worse than the great depression. Thankfully no country had to suffer under the leadership of someone that incompetent. Right? AMIRITE? You know that old saying , those who live in glass houses...
We could have an corrupt autocrat, like in your country, that jails opposition parties, poisons leaders of the opposition when thy take trips to Siberia, sends hit squads to other countries like England to assassinates people. A "leader" who changes parliamentary rules to make himself leader for life. A leader who uses public funds as his own personal bank account, amirite comrade?
JT is not perfect but it could be worse, much much worse. I'm sure if you ask any American or Russian they would concur.
America plummets down list of countries with the most 'soft power' | Daily Mail Online