Factually true but also factually an incomplete statement. 11 states performed worse than Florida. NY state was among the worst, they are also the North American hub for flights arriving from Europe and as data shows the vast majority of 1st wave cases in NY state originated from Europe. You can't "yeah but" your way to a conclusion that lock downs don't work. If you allow people into your community from areas of highly active virus transmission or if you have people who don't follow the shut down protocol rules, then you get transmission.
People this is not rocket surgery. This virus will not propagate among the human population it does not have human to human contact. Full stop. Lockdowns work. They are pain in the ass, they are inconvenient. They are a strain on some peoples finances. When properly enforced and when people honestly follow the rules they work. I don't think one jurisdiction in North America had a true lockdown, it was more like a lock down lite. Quebec maybe but they were still wishy washy on how strictly it was enforced.