I need more FOOD
There’s a decent chance that the vaccine will be “forced upon us.” Maybe not mandatory, but if you want to travel or go to public spaces, ect, you might need proof. People should prepare themselves for this possibility, and to be honest, I’m not totally against the idea.
Mandatory vaccines for travel is not new. Before for yellow fever etc... people had to vaccinate themselves before going to other countries.
in the history of Canada we have never "forced" any vaccinations; and I don't expect it to be the case now.
I am going to take the vaccine when one is made available for my demographic - if people do not want to take it then they don't have to. France is a good example where majority of the population has decided not to take the vaccine; on the other hand in other countries people have been freely choosing to take the vaccine.
It is a crystal ball; impact of vaccine vs impact of covid (if you get it); in Canada you are free to roll the dice. It sucks that this happened in our lifetime; but it is what it is and we can't run away from it.