"Conspiracy" is yet another bad faith smear/dismissal word. The term "conspiracy theorist" is used like there is no such thing as real conspiracies which is patently false. For example, the accepted narrative about 9/11 was a conspiracy between a dozen or so people with no national ties.
I get it, I used to be a full-fledged credulity merchant as well. Surely, I thought there really isn't a meeting at some secret camp in Northern California of the most powerful people in the world where they do a mock sacrifice to a pagan god, that's completely crazy. Turns out it's undeniably true: google Bohemian Grove. Surely, there wasn't some island where the world's elite including royalty and presidents were flown to canoodle with underage individuals. Surely, those rumours I heard about Bill Cosby from peripheral entertainment people in the 1980's (yes it was that long ago) were just smears of bigots (I thought), it would have required a conspiracy of hundreds of people to cover all of that up. Surely, the caricature of the Hollywood casting couch was just something bitter failed actors and actresses spread, imagine how many people it takes to cover that up. Surely, the church of my youth wouldn't conspire to hide serial sexual abuse worldwide, that's simply hateful smears.