Ok, but what I'm saying is that the dynamic skater part of Eichel's game doesn't just add a gear to his game, the dynamic skater part is what makes Eichel special. It's true that the assets that Eichel has that are independent of his skating are similar to Strome's: the six attributes you listed are shared between Eichel and Strome. However you can't just take those atributes in a nutshell and say "they have similar assets so they are similar". What I'm saying is that Eichel's speed adds so much to his game that it's impossible to imagine what he'd be without it. Maybe he'd be Strome, but his speed inhances and molds his game to such an huge level that his whols style revolves around it. That's why I have a hard time agreeing with your comparison. Strome uses his size and puck protection to create space to use his vision, much like Thornton. Eichel can do that too, but he uses his speed and long reach (and his unique way of holding his stick) to protect the puck in a different way when he's on the rush, but he also utilizes his skating ability when he's on the cycle too, in a way that completely changes his game.
That kinda got away from me, but I hope you get my point.