*Bob Richards*
Don't want him in the locker room
Agreed 10425289%. Seems to have had a bad history with chemistry.
Don't want him in the locker room
I was originally aiming for the coaching gig but if the situation requires, I'm ready to play backupI'd rather have one of you guys in goal.
I'd rather have one of you guys in goal.
You guys joked about it, now look what's happened. New rule, don't joke about things.
I'd rather have one of you guys in goal.
That's fair, and that I get.
I just don't understand the reaction some people have along the lines of "noooo everyone in New York will get cancer if we sign him!!!!"
Well, slight exaggeration....
Something to prove, and has been a capable goalie in the past. It's the off-ice stuff I worry about. Injecting that kind of personality into the locker room might me a mistake.
the locker room cancer in phili was hartnell, not bryz... get it str8. it started before bryz was signed there. bryz would be a good grab as a backup if the price was right, but i doubt it'll be where he wants it and if we overpay on him it's a huge waste of cap.
can he skate on the wing and maybe score a goal here and there?
this. is. stupid.
and thus i believe we will indeed do this
Would take him. The reason being is because if Hank walks we have more option.
Agreed 10425289%. Seems to have had a bad history with chemistry.