He lied about the terms of the draft pick
The organization releasing “we did everything we could”
Anyways even if they make a right move they can’t man up and own it
Terms of the pick just comes down to details. If he got them a bit wrong at first, *shrug* I see no reason for the GM to deliberately lie about them when he knows they'll become public in a matter of hours. Why bother?
Not sure if Don actually said "best we could" or "everything we could", but regardless, define it. In his mind Sweeney may well think they did, because even "everything" still only implies "everything reasonable" and not literally everything. So I'm ok with that too.
Let the record show that I've criticized Sweeney and the Bruins management more broadly on multiple occasions. I'm no apologist for them. I simply don't see that they've done anything majorly wrong here. If the reports are accurate, they offered Brad more than I would have. But they still couldn't find a 'landing spot', as Don would say, so they parted ways. Which to my mind in this case is how it should be. That's really all there is to it.