The impressive thing about Kreider is that he developed his game from just being "big and fast and tries to get home run passes all the time and score with his shot which is hard but he's not a sniper"
Even his game in front of the net isn't necessarily about being so big and strong he can't be moved, he's very smart about the whole thing.
Basically he went from a guy with impressive physical tools to a crafty and smart player who uses excellent positioning and eye-hand coordination to score most of his goals. I feel like it's not terribly common to see a player re-invent themselves as much as he did. Just knowing when to be in front, when to move out, how to keep the defense guessing, and how to find the open spots near the net is impressive.
Anyways, overall solid game. Still feels like they're feeling some things out but "being in control" sounds about right in terms of how the game went. I think just being more aggressive in checking the other team but also supporting each other better led to a lot of those turnovers, and playing more structured certainly does help. I think we're going to hear a lot about "the Rangers just play the trap!" all year long but eh, to me it seemed situational and I'm fine with that. The Rangers were aggressive when they could be, and fell back when necessary. Buffalo is a team that can beat you with talent if you let them and the Rangers didn't let them. The Rangers of last year would have probably tried to get into a track meet.