My apologies for my confusing question.
You make intesting points about the type of establishment and what you are describing. I will need to emerce myself into this at at some point. The old school brew pubs I new of in the 90's use to do next to zero off premiss sales it as almost 100% sold in house. Sounds like the newer models are much more a blended brewery for off premiss sales (MLC, retail store, wholesaler to other pubs, other, etc?) and on premiss sales within the 4 walls.
The tax credit I was talking about was literally tax credit back to investors (who qualify) for 45% of their investment. In other words investor puts $100,000 into your "new" brew pub and gets a tax credit for $45,000. Net impact to investor $55,000 while business receives full benefit of $100,000. To be clear this was the ratio the person was talking to me about but the details were lacking so I need to follow up to find out which investors qualify and why? On the surface it sounds too good to be true but the guy I know that was chatting with me about it is not a bull ****ter however there is a possibility he is confused about the intricacies of the tax program.
Raising the cash is possible if the business plan is viable and your returns to investors reflect the risk. I have allot more to say on this part but don't want to bore the hell out of everyone.
I have never heard of half pints I may swing by to check it out.