Rats! Sorry I missed you, that would have been cool. I really took a shine to the Geuze/Lambics (I'm still a bit confused as to the two designations). The ones I remember were Tilquin and Cuvée Rancke (@ Moeder Lambic), Oud Beersel (@ Poechenellekelder) and a Cantillon (@ Le Zinnecke). Also enjoyed my Kriek @ Mort Subite. Incidentally, how do you bring the beer back (without fear of breakage)?
yeah, i have a recent habit of going to belgium for a week a year to drink and hang out with the brewers i've become friends with. if you like beer, it's a crazy, tough week.
i spent 2 days at De Struise, one day at De Dolle, 2 days at Cantillon and a day at 3 Fonteinin.
the difference between gueuze and lambic is that a gueuze is a blend and a lambic is the sour style. to make a gueuze, you usually blend young (1 year) with older (3 year) beer. the balance is really nice.
i drank at both Moeder Lambics, with me liking the newer one near Grand Place more.
i spent most of my time at Cantillon while we were in brussels. Jean, for whatever reason, likes me, so we drink, hang out, help out a bit. this time, he brought out some crazy beer. a 1996 gueuze, a 1999 lou pepe kriek, a lambic ages in vin jaune barrels, etc. It was nuts. probably my best visit to Cantillon.
we went back on day 3 on our way to Antwerp and i had the 2016 zwanze, which was a juice bomb. good.
on our way home from antwerp, we missed our train to paris. i stopped in and got a FouFoune for the trainride. Jean laughed and said "leave already!" Yeah, we were there way too much.
as far as bringing bottles back goes, i usually have great luck. this trip, thanks to icelandair, we were allowed 2 x 50 lb bags. i have one really large suitcase and, for this trip, it was too big. on our way to Reykjavik, someone smashed the hell out of the bag. ripped off the zipper pulls, the bottom of the suitcase was ripped. looked rough. and 1 of my trade bottles (i usually trade when i go overseas) was broken. fun! i also found half a dozen sunflower seeds inside my suitcase. just weird. on our way back, i had 2 boxed of beer inside that 1 suitcase. i didn't pack 1 of the boxes, so i assume there wasn't any cardboard (even a thin piece) between them. so one bottle (of 3F gueuze) broke. otherwise, the rest were fine.
it's pretty easy. you don't want the bottles moving around, so use the suitcase straps. you don't want the bottles clanking against each other. and you don't want them touching the soft, outside edges of your suitcase. so use your clothes to protect them. sometimes i just pull a sock over each bottle. i also brought a turkish towel for iceland and used that for 3 bottles. stole an icelandair blanket (whoops) and used that for 4. at Cantillon, they pack them nicely in 3 or 6 bottle boxes, so those just go into your suitcase and put a sock or 2 around the edges that can come in contact with the outside of the suitcase.
after this trip, i've now lost 4 bottles in....8 years? one was due to a bad bottle cap that leaked.