I'll admit I was never really that high on Martin, it was always more of an everyone else thinks he's good and they know more than me so I'll believe it kind of thing. During the draft I wanted Veen, and when Martin fell I thought, ok Martin I guess everyone thinks he's really good. He felt like a jack of all trades master of none to me. Except perhaps the hit tool. His college power wasn't inspiring. He could move around the field but barely played SS in college, and was just getting used to CF. His speed was fine but not outstanding.
Looking back on that draft(and the Stroman trade via SWR), using up significant overslot which restricted us elsewhere and basically getting only 1.5 years of Berrios out of it really sucks. I can see why they may have been down on him. I've never entirely bought into his peak, but it's rough just a year later you turn the 5th overall pick plus a million in slot money, plus the best asset from the Stroman trade into 1.5 years of a #2 starter. Like I'm confused in whether they shouldn't have picked him at the time if they were skeptical but bought into it, or if they just changed their minds very quickly with a years worth of additional info.
Either way, feels like for what they traded they should have gotten more. At least they didn't get wrecked in the Kimbrel trade. That one is worse.