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- Nov 22, 2021
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bud he's had development time missed and some.concussion issues and no opportunity on pp1 and doesn't play with the top guys all the time. He's 3 years younger as well. From a straight talent standpoint yeah he is as talented.Did you have a stroke or something?
Byram is actually a better puck.handler and better facilitator. Makar has the better sneak snap.from.the point both terrific skaters. I think Byram is actually in better condition and physique too and will be more.minutes with better stamina as well. He will be a 30.min guy by the time.hes Makar's age.
Makar is more.explosive but Byram roams so easy.and effortlessly. Both fast , Makar is stronger physically.
Give it some.time .
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