Yeah i know you said there are different ways to get to 800, just that all your examples of 7 60 goal, 8 50 goal seasons, etc dont really mean much considering it assumes 0 goals for the rest of the seasons. Yes when you say "or equivalent production" thats more accurate but its basically the same as what the other poster is saying by showing that the average number of goals matthews needs is still high but not unreasonable.
In terms of powerplays, yes i think its a given that no matter what matthews will never approach the powerplay time that ovechkin has recieved in his career. I am not suggesting ovechkins incredible powerplay time is due to luck (although you could maybe argue that his first few seasons were when powerplays in the league overall went through the roof). What i am suggesting is that matthews incredibly low power play time thus far is due to being quite unlucky and that this will likely even out over time. Will he get up to ovechkins powerplay times ever during a single season - probably not. But if toronto ever got a few seasons of top powerplay time in the league as washington got during some of ovechkins early years then this will make the road to 800 quite a bit easier.