There was nothing at which he did not excel. He was a strong, fast skater; he could and did pick the corners with his shots; his passing left little to be desired; he was a past-master at both fore and back checking; his services were in demand when his team had the odd-man advantage and he was often pressed into service when his team was short-handed.
- Weekly Sports News of October 1948 by H.P. Zinck
Hart Trophy (1939)
1937-38 NHL NHL All-Star Team (2nd)
1938-39 NHL NHL All-Star Team (1st)
1939-40 NHL NHL All-Star Team (1st)
1944-45 NHL NHL All-Star Team (1st) * War year*
1945-46 NHL NHL All-Star Team (2nd)
Top 10 points: 1, 3*, 3, 6, 7, 9
Top 10 goals: 2, 3*, 3, 8, 10
Top 10 assists: 3*, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 10
*War year
he is a worker. Every second he is on the ice, he is digging. He skates ceaselessly, bores in all the time, and is trying every inch of the way.
The hallmark of Blake's success is his doggedness,"
What most impressed the fans was his fiery temperament. "If ever there was a player in the league with more spirit, we haven't seen him," Dink Carroll wrote.
Toe Blake is Getting Reputation as a Fighter
Toe Blake's outbreak at Detroit is nothing new for the fiery Frenchman from norther Ontario. They say that when he was in the Canam league earlier this year with Springfield he was willing to take on all comers and got into some glorious brawls.
still a canny player and a wizard at killing off penalties.