View attachment 94561
This file is a screenshot of my attempt to rank every team's forwards from 1-15 (or less, depending on the number of spare forwards) by their overall defensive ability and impact. The following considerations were made:
- selke voting
- overall reputation aside from voting
- penalty killing value
- volume and value of quotes
- longevity, did a player provide the same average level as another but for longer?
- sometimes we know little to nothing about a player's defensive ability. These players are at the bottom ends of the lists for the most part. I made educated guesses based on other factors: were they seen as a leader? backchecking might have been why. was another one of their linemates known as good defensively? that probably meant they didn't have to focus on it. were they tough or good in the corners? probably means they used those skills to some degree in their own zone. Did they ever play defense? that had to help them as a forward to some degree. and so on.
Results provided in good faith. Take a look at your own team and let me know if anything seems out of whack. I may know something about every player, and everything about some players, but no one can know everything about every player.
With every team ranked on its own, I'm going to take this and try a big 1-357 rank now. But it won't be ranked in such a hair-splitting fashion - everyone will be in tiers, and it will be on a bell curve with players rated anything from 0 to 10, with fewer and fewer players in each tier as you move outwards from 5 towards 0 and 10. With all of us drafting a large number of players who are "very good" defensively or even just "good", it might help to put into perspective where some players rank and how good a player has to be before you can really call him good in an ATD sense, or, as some put it "at least a plus defensively".